Thursday, December 31, 2009

Leading by example

Leadership shows movement. To be a true leader, you have to continue to evolve, take on new challenges,have a good ethical and moral foundation. I am learning as a leader, to also follow individuals who mentor, and develop and empower other individual's. Leaders do have fears, however they learn to surround themselves with people who have the expertise to help them grow.
Leadership evokes passion and a vision. As 2010 approaches I plan to follow my passion, be a blessing to others and pass on informative information, to assist individuals to be all they dream to be.  God Bless and Happy New Year.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Sleeping Beauty

Sitting here watching my 23 year old just sleep. I do not think she realizes that in about 5 hours she will be back on the highway headed towards her home. This girl knows she has lots to do today.For one, clean up her mess and double check things, because she always leaves something behind. Next we need to pick up groceries, for her to take back until her next payday.. Maybe I am to nice of a Mom?  No I do not think so, I cherish the moments with her and they grow up so fast.  Even with her being 23 years old, a Mother's job is never done.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


As the end of the year approaches and I begin to outline my goals for 2010 and formating my blog. I realize that at the crossroad of my life I must create the new year as my time. I look forward to working with other individuals who are goal oriented and are not afraid of failure. My blog will become more centered on topics of Leadership and Management, job hunting tips and finding your purpose in life.  No matter your age we all have a purpose. I began this journey reading the bible to help me explore my talents. I would encourage anyone looking for their purpose to begin in the word. A good  place to start would be Proverbs 31.

Saturday, December 26, 2009


Started paying off my debt in September 2009. I was a little frustrated at first, it seemed like the more I put on my debt, the more it seemed to stahl out. Getting out of debt is baby steps, starting off with the small items and keeping track as you pay them off helps to keeps me encouraged. My goal is to make considerable dent in my debt by August 2010. I am well on my way. Its about staying focused and priorities.

Thursday, December 24, 2009


Well today its officially Christmas, I should be sleeping about now, just left my family celebrating. I know I should be starting my items for the dinner at my son's house but I am too tired. I love Xmas and this time of year for giving. Wanted to tell all be safe over the holidays and I will be blogging more when I have gotten some rest


An individual should remember when accepting a job interview, that they must prepare in advance before the meeting. Preparing means reviewing your resume, the job description and learn the companies values and mission statement. One more thing, always practice in the mirror how you answer the question, eye contact and prepare questions for the person conducting the interview.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

On my mind

I am an individaul who loves to create and when I lose that oppourtunity to bring to the attention a great idea. I  become frustrated.  I have to keep in mind there is more than one way to get over a hurdle.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Write the vision

As I slept last night, I came up with more business ideas to make my site long lasting. I am excited for 2010 and I see the fruits of my labor to come. I am asking God to "enlarge my territory" and the others around me, so we can be a blessing in our homes and communitites.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Learning by doing

As the end of the year approaches I am learning more each day about blogging and organizing my site. Excited for the new year and writing my business plan and working with other individuals who are looking to implement there vision into action.  I used to worry about having scattered thoughts, and not focusing on one thing. However I have learned that its ok, I am a mom we are always pulled into different directions and we manage to make it all come together. Thats why I know that overtime my business will all come together.
I will do what I have done that has been productive in my life, continue to pray, believe and keep it all moving forward.