Saturday, February 27, 2010

Building Blocks

I sometimes get overwhelmed with all the tasks of starting your own business. Alot of times leaves you feeling despair, and alone. But the journey with its obstacles in the way, has enormous satisfaction when the end is near. The building blocks that I am using to create my business is remembering all the feelings along the way and how to use them to make them to be an effective business owner. When I start with those emotions of doubt, I take each one and make them a positve exerience. when that voice says "it wont work" I take it and say it will because God did not give me a gift to sit on the shelf. It will work if I plan accordingly, learn to step away when I am overwhelmed and ask for help when I do not have the answer.
I also have realized that my relationship with God has to be strong because owning your own business is a huge responsibility and if I dont have the relationship with God when the wind blows I will not be able to stand. So everyday I must take the time and have a talk with Jesus allow him to direct my path and understand exactly what God says about  prospering my soul and how faith plays the role in becoming the best I can be.

Friday, February 19, 2010



There are points in your life, where everything you believe in is shaken. Sometimes we do not understand why relationships get tested or people leave in and out of our lives. Even why we question our faith in God, but there are times, with the very best intentions, leaves us with the question, I just do not understand.
Just the other day, I was looking out the window, the cold wind blowing, and the snow swirling, I had a doubt in my soul, at this point in my life I realized I was still searching for something, or someone to fill the emptiness in my soul. I just did not understand how I allowed that to happen to me, but it does. It happens to most everyone, where we just do not understand.
So I reached down inside of me, as deep as I could, and I came to the conclusion, that I was focusing to much time on what I do not understand about life, people, death, and I decided to begin focusing on what is real, what I do know. I decided that it was time to peel back the layers of my doubt. It’s a process of being real to me, taking out what doesn’t work, and focusing on what does.
Where my true happiness lies, it lies within in me. It will take me more than a day, week or a month; it may even take years to unravel what I have done, but all we have is time. With each layer peeled back, I found something new. I found I had a lot of junk in my closet, things that didn’t fit, things that were old, things were definitely dusty, things that made me cry, and things that made me laugh.
I found time with God, time that I was not taking to really have a talk with him. When I finished God showed me, my job is not to try to understand the unexplainable, but let him lead me through the darkness into the light. God said he will never leave you or forsake thee. In cleaning out my closet, I renewed my spiritual relationship with the one person, who gives me peace, love, joy and happiness.
So when you just don’t understand, don’t trouble yourself, give it to God. And when you question your happiness, just start cleaning out your closet and throw out what doesn’t work, face reality, that life is an unpredictable journey, and true happiness comes from leaning, praying and depending on God.

Monday, February 1, 2010

creating a mission statement

I am working on my mission statement  and I think #2 states it best
1. transformation of eve; incorporating biblical principles and technology to empower women to find their purpose in life,  using social media tools to network to connect with other individuals.

2. transformation of eve a social media service that provides training and networking tools to support individuals in developing and finding their purpose in life, while incorporating biblical principlas and technology.