Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Critical Thinking

I am a critical thinker, the  type of person who can review a paper or a person and mark it up. I used to think thats a bad thing, sometimes people don't want to hear the truth when were sitting in a meeting. Trust me I think about it before I just blurt out an answer, making sure the tone is not of a defensive nature. I will ask, a "what if " question.
How  you present yourself when you walk in a room or shake a hand. However being the critical thinker of the group is about thinking beyond the moment, look and see what could go wrong. It doesnt mean that it will, but there is a chance that it  could be a failure in your idea, and if so, how do you plan of fixing it  if an issue does arise. You need someone in the group to tell you there could be a potential problem.
When you interview, you should believe in what you say. Why would someone higher you? Can you add value to the organization? People can look at a resume and say its good, but that first impression that you make can determine the outcome of your interview. So many people are looking for jobs, so when people talk about interviewing, thats the first question I ask. Its not a bad question, its an honest question. Where is the value.   Its not fault finding, its creating you to think beyond the moment and find the answer, what value do I add and why should someone higher me. Be your own  advocate, be critical and use it to your advanatage.

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