Saturday, January 2, 2010

Just for thought

As I was listening to ABC News Now, one of the speakers mentioned that "we are all in job seeking mode." That is so true, its important that each of us "sharpen are pencils", and keep track of the value that we add to the organization. The future is about results, what value do you add to the organization?
For those who are unemployed, job hunting is a job. Do not take it lightly. Take the time to track what you have been doing with your time, how have you organized your day, or volunteered in your communitity. I admit, I am not the most technology savvy, but I am trying and learning things everyday, about networking, creating projects and reading about how to do this thing to the best of my ability. My next venture in the upcoming weeks is figure out to use a blackberry.. LOL wish me well.

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