Sunday, January 3, 2010


I actually am drawing a blank today. Not sure why? It started off great, church service was a continual reminder of the awesome God we serve. It was encouraging, to most of the people attending, you could feel it in the air how the message hit home for the attendees. The visiting Pastor spoke on building your life brick by brick, that there will be people in our life to discourage us along the way. However sorround yourself with like-minded people. When God has something for you in life, and you know its for you, thats when they way gets harder. You have to take things brick by brick to build up what is needed to endure.
When your facing financial despair, unemployment, relationship issues etc, just resolve the dillema brick by brick as you move in the process you will begin to gain strength and your foundation will become stronger, you will eventual see the fruits of your laborThe Relationship Principles of Jesus

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